Thriving Together: Building a Buzzing V.connct Classroom Community for Teachers


A strong virtual community thrives on a foundation of mutual respect and focused learning. As a V.connct teacher, you have the power to cultivate this environment using the platform’s moderation features. Here’s how:

Setting the Stage: Guest Policy & Whiteboard Access

V.connct’s guest policy allows you to control who enters your virtual classroom. Decide if students need a pre-approval to join or not.

Whiteboard access is another key control point. By granting access only to trusted students, you can ensure the main teaching area remains focused and organized.

Maintaining Order: Muting & Removing Disruptions

The beauty of V.connct is the interactivity. However, occasional disruptions can occur. V.connct’s mute function allows you to mute all participants or specific users if needed. This helps regain control and refocus the class quickly.

In more serious situations, V.connct empowers you to remove or kick out a disruptive user from the meeting entirely. Use this feature judiciously, but it’s a valuable tool to maintain a positive learning environment.

Elevating Participation: Turning Users into Presenters & Moderators

Encourage student participation by promoting select students to presenters. This allows them to share their work, lead discussions, or even co-present with you.

V.connct’s moderator role empowers trusted students to assist with managing the chat function, muting participants if needed, and even managing breakout rooms.

By using V.connct’s moderation features effectively, you can empower your students to participate responsibly and create a thriving virtual learning environment for everyone.

You can find more on our website !

وقت القراءة: 2 دقائق
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